Visions and Values

    ‘The best for every child, all of the time

Our vision is the ultimate goal for the school community and a vivid picture of what our school is trying to achieve in the future. Our school values influence how we conduct ourselves in every interaction we have with others. Our values dictate our behaviours. Values are the means by which our school expresses its vision in daily life and opportunities.  


We want our children to be:

·      Empowered learners with a passion for lifelong learning

·      Global citizens ready to contribute positively to their communities and the wider world.

·      Digitally accomplished – successfully, responsibly and positively utilising technology

·      Resilient, resolute and confident in their learning, own identity and personal values

·      Aspirational for themselves and their futures

·      Creative thinkers who are problem solvers

·      Lifelong readers to ignite imaginations, enhance knowledge and support the development of communication

Our School Values:





