Meet our staff

'Staff are positive about the school. They feel that leaders care about their work and value the difference they make to pupils. They are proud to be members of staff.' 

OFSTED 2022 

Leadership Team

Mr W Hermon

Mr W Hermon

Trust Chief Executive Office

Mr A Fugill

Mr A Fugill

Co-Headteacher and Deputy Executive Officer of Andaras MAT. Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Mrs H Loss

Mrs H Loss

Co-Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Dart

Mrs S Dart

Curriculum lead/Writing lead and Year 6 teacher

Mrs H Wood

Mrs H Wood

Curriculum lead/Reading lead and Year 6 teacher

Mrs E Truscott

Mrs E Truscott

KS2 Lead/Maths Lead and Year 6 teacher

Miss B Parker

Miss B Parker

EYFS Lead and EYFS teacher

Teaching Staff 

Mrs S Brooks

Mrs S Brooks

SENDCo and Year 3 teacher

Miss H Southcott

Miss H Southcott

EYFS teacher, Art Lead, Trust Art and DT lead

Mrs K Gibson

Mrs K Gibson

EYFS teacher and DT Lead (Currently on maternity leave)

Mrs J Kelly

Mrs J Kelly

EYFS Lead and History Lead

Miss S Pendleton

Miss S Pendleton

Nursery Teacher

Miss A Alderson

Miss A Alderson

Year 1 teacher and Geography Lead

Miss K Hurn

Miss K Hurn

Year 1 teacher

Mrs T Hume

Mrs T Hume

KS1 Lead, Read Write Inc. Lead and Year 2 teacher

Mrs S Attridge

Mrs S Attridge

Year 2 teacher and Music Lead

Mrs L Stainer

Mrs L Stainer

Year 3 teacher and PE Lead

Mrs M Templeman

Mrs M Templeman

Year 4 teacher and Science Lead

Mrs A Ede

Mrs A Ede

Year 4 teacher

Miss T Ackland

Miss T Ackland

Year 5 teacher and PSHE Lead

Miss R Thomas

Miss R Thomas

Year 5 teacher, RE Lead and MFL Lead

Mrs T Allen

Mrs T Allen

Year 5 teacher

Miss C Stone

Miss C Stone

Currently on maternity leave

Support staff 

Support staff details coming soon!