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PE at Callington Primary School

Our school values allow all children to have the ability to achieve their best whilst also having fun. Our values are:

  • Happiness
  • Respect
  • Creativity
  • Compassion
  • Perseverance

At CPS we strive to inspire the children through an engaging and exciting PE curriculum as well as our whole school passion of sport. Together we support all children in reaching their own goals, be it at a competitive level or a level where the achievement is inclusive for all. We recongise that developing a child’s physical health also promotes and values a child’s mental wellbeing.


High Quality PE

At CPS teachers are provided with opportunities for continued professional development (CPD), some of these opportunities include:

  • Observing coaches from outside agencies
  • PE leaders observing and sharing feedback
  • CPD staff meetings
  • Observing others
  • Attending courses

As a result, all staff have up to date knowledge and understanding of the subject, allowing them to deliver high quality PE.


PE Kit

Children are put into house teams, when they join the school; TamarFalLynerFowey. PE kit should consist of a house coloured t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or black plimsolls. During colder months’ children are allowed to wear a black tracksuit.

Children are to come to school on their designated PE days wearing appropriate PE Kit. All PE kit should be named to ensure any kit does not get lost during the school day. All jewellery must be removed before the lesson starts or at the beginning of the school day, this includes studs in ears. If they cannot be removed, then they need to be covered with medical tape.

If children do not come to school in their PE Kit on their PE days, for two consecutive lessons, a letter will be sent home informing parents/carers that their child have not worn the correct uniform/kit for PE. All children will be included in PE lessons but it is essential that they have the correct kit.

All staff involved in physical activity must wear the appropriate clothing, as well as tying hair back and removing dangly jewellery to demonstrate a positive image to all children.


Equipment and environments   

Staff will ensure that equipment being used is fit for purpose and if the equipment is damaged or torn then it needs to be removed from the lesson or area. Staff must contact the PE Coordinators at their earliest convenience to make them aware of damaged equipment or if any stock needs replenishing.

Through supervision, children should be taught how to move and use apparatus safely. For example, 2 children should carry a small mat and 4 children should carry a big mat. Teachers to lay down the large roll out mats and then two children to roll together from the end. When carrying benches in KS2, two children should carry one bench positioned at either end. Whilst in KS1 four children should carry a bench, one at either end and two in the middle. 


Opportunities for all

All PE sessions are differentiated through the learning outcomes, the teachers know their children and are aware of those who may need to start at different points in order to progress. The use of our knowledge organisers, which include pictures and key vocabulary help to support the children to fully understand concepts.

We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities some of which are teacher led and others are provided and staffed by outside agencies and local sports clubs. Teachers who identify children with the potential to shine, should bring this to the attention of the PE coordinators and work together in order to help this child to meet their full potential. All children are encouraged to take part in competitive sports or intra-school competitions.  

PE lessons are inclusive. Teachers at CPS use STEP (Space, Time, Equipment, People) to adapt activities to all children’s needs. 
