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Year 5 trip to The Eden Project - Climate Club

This session is designed to show that the solutions are out there, that we know what we need to do and that we can all play a positive part in tackling the climate emergency. The children looked at the role that organisations can play in our response to the climate emergency and how we, as individuals, can take inspiration and learn from their actions.

In order to join the Eden Project's Climate Club, teams will become carbon detectives, uncovering how carbon plays a part of our everyday lives. They learnt about the concept of a carbon footprint and started to think about their own.
Using these skills, vocabulary and knowledge, they explored the Eden Project to uncover what we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint, recording examples of good practice from around our site. 

Teams then shared their solutions and discussed how organisations are making a difference. The session ended by looking at how we can all tackle climate change together, including lessons learned for taking action in your school. 

The Eden Project- Year 5
