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  • Language of the month

    Sat 17 Oct 2015

    October's ‘Language of the Month’ is Afrikanns

    Afrikaans (also called Cape Dutch) is an official language of South Africa, where it is spoken by about 6,200,000 people.

    Afrikaans speakers are also found in Namibia, Botswana, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom. 

    There are about 6,400,000 Afrikaans speakers in the world.


    See this website for a few of the phrases that the children will be using in class this month. 

  • Equality and Diversity day

    Mon 05 Oct 2015

    Diversity Day - October 2015


    On Monday  5th October, the whole school took part in its first Equality and Diversity day of this academic year. The theme of the day was about 'Disabilities’. Each year group explored what the word disabled meant and explored issues surrounding this. In all year groups, stories and texts were used as a vehicle for introducing the concept of being disabled and children were given insights into what life is like for those with a disability.  The children were able to voice opinions and through discussions learned that although some people may have a disability they should be treated equally and supported to achieve their goals. 

    See the class pages and accounts below for details of each year group's day.  

  • British Values day

    Fri 02 Oct 2015

    British Values day October 2015

    At the beginning of October, the whole school took part in British Values Day. The focus for the day was ‘the Rule of Law’. In Key Stage Two, children gained a strong understanding of the what Laws were and how they are formed in parliament. They acted out the process of making a Law, examining it in parliament and then making some very important decisions about passing it. In Key Stage One, children learned about what rules were and how they can be similar to laws. Some classes even had a visit from the police who taught them all about how they help to protect the law for a job!

    Lots of work and photos from the day are available below and on the British Values Board in the hall.
