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Our Final Week of Learning for the Autumn Term!

The Gingerbread Man Explores America and We Explore How Christmas is Celebrated Around the World


For the final week of the Autumn Term, we received a letter from The Gingerbread Man who has flown to New York. In the city it is looking very 'Christmassy' so this has lead to some important discussions about how we all celebrate Christmas. We all have lots of customs we share and some traditions which are different. Wrapping gifts, sending Christmas cards, writing lists, and making decorations are a few of the ways we have been busy exploring Christmas customs. Whilst The Gingerbread Man travelled around continent of America, he has asked us to find out how different people celebrate Christmas around the world. We have listened to The Nativity story which is a very important story to Christians at this time of year. We will also be looking at different countries and how people celebrate throughout the week.


In Maths, we are looking at ordering events in our day, times of the day and how to identify them and also mastering are skills in counting backwards.


In Phonics, we are flying! We are learning the phonemes:



                                              y  z  zz   and   qu
