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                   Discovering Autumn


We have read the books Percy the Park Keeper and Tree, this week. We are going to be going on an Autumn hunt and be busy spotting the signs of Autumn happening around us as the seasons have changed. We've been busy designing and making 'Percy's Park' and using autumnal objects to bring our ideas to life.  In Maths, we have been exploring how to represent the number 2- we will spend the week representing and spotting 2 in lots of different ways. 


In Phonics, we will be learning the following phonemes:


                                      e        u         r        h


                           Our Learning in Our Words

"I would like to tell Nanny that we did 'r' today. I been outside with my friends building a tunnel." - Matilda


"I'm making a conker potion. We saw inside a conker. It's white things inside." - Cooper


"It was Autumn yesterday and today. The leaves were on the floor. I drawed the leaves. " - Jeremy


"I enjoyed the role play. I did the register. If I say someone's names and they aren't in I do a cross next to it." - Paddy


"I was outside. I enjoyed standing on the cups (stilts). " - Fletcher. 


"I can spin it round (hoola hoop)." Harry


"I'm collecting conkers and putting them down the tube. " Hattie


"I been finding 'i' and 'n'. That's how many I found." - Aiden



" The tree's leaves were dying." - Logan


" We were making an acorn run. We were putting pipes along the run" - Ethan


" I made a park for Percy. I made a slide and swings, some leaves and some trees." - Isabella


"I was trying to do something for the acorns to go down." - Millie


" Getting letters and writing them" - Isaac




